Answer: a diagram showing the stages of photosynthesis and the tree parts involved
Primarily, the question asks you to explain something relative to trees, excluding the second answer choice. Next, the question goes on to ask for a visual aid to explain how photosynthesis is utilized to produce oxygen, indiciating the need for a model of internal processes a tree takes, as photosynthesis and oxygeb creation happen inside a tree or plant. and the last choice does not explain how photosynthesis helps with oxygen production, making the first choice the strongest response.
Someone you can trust and talk to, and that trusts you and talks to you. We need friends to stay happy. Hope this helps!
While the main idea is usually in the first sentence<span>, the next most common placement is in the last </span>sentence<span> of a paragraph. The author gives supporting information first and then makes the point in the last</span>sentence<span>. Here's a paragraph we can use as an example. Try to locate the topic and the main idea.
Some sounds are in contrastive distribution and others in complementary distribution.
The sounds [k] and [x] are contrastive,
[kano] 'do'
[xano] 'lose'
The sounds [ç] and [c] are contrastive,
[çino] 'pour'
[cino] 'move'
The sounds [k] and [c] are in complementary distribution. The palatal stop appears before front vowels, whereas the velar stop appears elsewhere. The sounds [ç] and [x] are in complementary distribution, like the stops, palatal before front vowels, but otherwise velar.