He created a powerful military system and instituted effective political and social reforms. By abolishing the sectarian tax on non-Muslims and appointing them to high civil and military posts, he was the first Mughal ruler to win the trust and loyalty of the native subjects.
The middle colonies saw a mixture of religions, including Quakers (who founded Pennsylvania), Catholics, Lutherans, a few Jews, and others. The southern colonists were a mixture as well, including Baptists and Anglicans.
Pioneer settlers were sometimes pulled west<span> because they wanted to make a better living. Others received letters from friends or family members who had </span>moved west<span>. These letters often told about a good life on the frontier. The biggest factor that pulled </span>pioneers west was the opportunity to buy land. On their journeys which were thousands of miles, they encountered disease, treacherous roads and enemies.<span> Traveling rough roads in covered wagons often resulted in death from failed river crossings, accidents or Indian attacks.</span>