Jargon are the formal words that are used by the professionals. Such words are not usually understandable by the normal people. These are the specialized or technical words. Such words are only understandable by professors or professionals of the concerned subject.
Following are the jargon and the English counterparts
1) Advantageous Helpful
2) Affected Impacted
3) Cutting Edge Leading
4) Disseminate Spread
5) State of the Art Latest
6) Utilization Use
Dear ZhNya,
you won't believe what happened to me today I saved a kid from death. The kid was in a apartment that was catching on fire! I walked up to the apartment when I noticed a crowd. I asked what was going on, and a man answered there's a kid in a apartment that was on fire. That reminded me of my sister who died in a fire so I, ran into the apartment without a second thought. I went in and looked everywhere until I found the kid. Then I ran out in a hurry because I was running out of breath. That's the story of how I saved a kid.