Tu apprends à faire la cuisine?
Scarcity is like a low supply or lack of the said object and it's relationship with economics is the more scarce the item is will make it cost more.
Lingviștii examinează relația dintre limbajul scris și cel vorbit, precum și structurile neuronale care stau la baza noastră care ne permit să folosim limbajul.
1. une porte (a door)
2. un stylo (a pen)
3. un livre (a book) or un cahier (a notebook) can't see clearly
4. can't tell what it is sorry
5. un bureau (a desk)
6. une feuille de papier (a sheet of paper)
7. une poubelle (a trash can)
8. un dictionnaire (a dictionary)
9. une prof (a teacher)(female)
10. tableau blanc (white board) or tableau noir (black board)
I already passed this part of French class with an A+ :)
A news story is "un reportage".
If it's talking about stories around the world, like talking about wars, typhoons on the other side of the world with reporters over there.
If it's nearer of your home , it will be called "un fait d'actualité" or "un fait divers" like a crime, a burglary or anything else in your neighborhood, your surroundings.... your country...
hope this helps ☺☺☺