Back then, Portugal had a very strong and
rigorous army. The army was fully armed with cannons and guns so they were sure
of a win if they waged war on the coastal towns. And sure, they waged war which
overawed the enemy’s navy and left the coastal town villages completely burnt
down and the inhabitants injured and others dead.
Im pretty sure its the president
Massanet's view focus on peacefully bringing people closer to God is his way protecting the mission. As much as possible he did not want any casualties. He did not give up on people, kept visiting them until they are persuaded to be closer to God. While De Leon’s view coerced people to be close to God by implementation from the Government. De Leon asked the Governor to necessitate all families to attend Christian teachings.
The effect of these two events was the disturbance in the country that leads to the revolution. A food-related riots spread across Germany in the year 1916 and women would march to the town hall and demand better food supplies so these riots shows the inability of the government. A revolution broke out in Austria-
Hungary in which republican revolts against European monarchies in almost all European countries.