3 positives :
> concepts are still fresh in your mind
> you will graduate college on your set year, no gap year
> gain important and wise life skills when attending school
3 negatives
> more pressure straight out of high
> mostly liked won’t be able to get a job, no monkey saved
> Don’f have time to think on what it’s you really want to do
Her thoughts became abstract, of floating stars in the sky. At first she was apathetic about the sight, ambivalently, it was quite, something she normally hated, but the sky's beautiful aesthetic took over her body, she wanted to see this sight for the rest of her life, the sight was alleviate for her, allowing her daily struggles to become abstract.
The answer would be point of view
I’m not happy at all
I’ll pay it
I’m not happy at all
I’ll pay it
What makes both of them wrong is the fact that they were both abbreviated. In a formal letter, we are supposed to keep everything whatsoever we write formal, and as such, "I'm", in place of "I am" and "I'll" in place of "I will" is quite wrong for a formal letter, since the former is an informal way of writing the later.
Changing both context however, to "I am not happy at all", and "I will pay it" makes it fit into the requirements for a formal letter.