Expository writing communicates fact based information, while a narrative tells a story.
The Odyssey tells the story of a heroic but far from perfect protagonist who battles many antagonists, including his own inability to heed the gods’ warnings, on his arduous journey home from war. Along the way the poem explores ideas about fate, retribution, and the forces of civilization versus savagery. While The Odyssey is not told chronologically or from a single perspective, the poem is organized around a single goal: Odysseus’s return to his homeland of Ithaca, where he will defeat the rude suitors camped in his palace and reunite with his loyal wife, Penelope. Odysseus is motivated chiefly by his nostos, or desire for homecoming, a notion in heroic culture that encouraged bravery in war by reminding warriors of the people and institutions they were fighting for back home. Odysseus’s return represents the transition from life as a warrior on the battlefield back to life as a husband, father, and head of a household. Therefore, Odysseus is ultimately motivated by a desire to reclaim these elements of his identity and once again become the person he was before he left for the Trojan War so many years earlier.
The chief conflict in the poem is between Odysseus’s desire to reach home and the forces that keep him from his goal, a conflict that the narrator of the Odyssey spells out in the opening lines. This introductory section, called a proem, appeals to the Muse to inspire the story to follow. Here, the narrator names the subject of the poem—Odysseus—and his objective throughout the poem: “to save his life and bring his comrades home.” The narrator identifies the causes of Odysseus’s struggle to return home, naming both the sun god, Helios, and Odysseus’s fellow sailors themselves as responsible: “The recklessness of their own ways destroyed them all, the blind fools, they devoured the cattle of the sun and the sun god blotted out the day of their return.” The narrator next identifies Poseidon as one of Odysseus’s main antagonists, as all the gods took pity on Odysseus except Poseidon, who “raged on, seething against the great Odysseus until he reached his native land.” Finally, the proem tells us that the Odyssey will be the story of Odysseus’s successful journey home: “the exile must return!”
The use of child labor in factories and other industries was very common.
This is the best option. The information in the excerpt indicates that child labor was a big enough problem that a committee was formed to speak out for children's rights. The other options seem less likely because if most business owners found child labor unacceptable it wouldn't be wide-spread enough for a committee to be formed. Also, the excerpt does not state that it's an unacceptable alternative to formal education. While the excerpt does mention that reducing the number of hours children are allowed to work would give them time for school, it doesn't say anything about work being a replacement for education. The reasoning for choosing the first option negates the last one. It's either common or rare.
Oh she's interested, interested in things other than class that is XD. DDDDDDDDD IS THE ANSWER!!!
Y I thought it would have made it a lot better but then it is a good thing for you guys