The educated Filipino is one who is deep-rooted in one's speech and conduct. One must put into practice those elements recognized as concomitant to culture and morality. Hence, one makes use of such elements for one's growth as an individual and for a nation's development as a whole.
1) cannot go, doesn't have
5)did you wear
7)is going to meet
8)don't like
9)don't write
10)would your dad prefer
12)will meet, Do you want
Yes, People of today are always rushing through life without taking time to reflect deeply on the meaning of life and the state of their souls.
People of today are always in rush. People of today don't know the value of life. They are always in rush for works, for money and many iseless things. People can't understand their values of life. People of today tries to finish work faster. They tries to show who is fast and strong but can't understand their values. They are in rush for money and greed leaving their families, their friends and their dear loved ones. We all should try to understand our values of our life that god has given chance to live. We should have to know how to utilize our time.
Hope this answer will help you.
The answer is: it is about evolution.
Darwin himself characterized his seminal book, <em>On the origin of the species, </em>as “one long argument”. There is still debate as to what exactly did he mean by that characterization, but it is agreed upon that he evidently was referencing his theory of evolution based on common ancestry between species and natural selection as the process of differentiation between them, which, all in all, tells a story that took millions of years, or, in more poetic terms, it summarizes a very long argument.