✅ Anthony was a pioneer crusader for the women's suffrage movement in the United States and president of the National American Woman Suffrage Association from 1892-1900. She and Elizabeth Cady Stanton had founded the association in 1869.
Modernizations were goals first set forth by Deng Xiaoping to strengthen the fields of agriculture, industry, defense, and science and technology in China The Four Modernizations were adopted as a means of rejuvenating China's economy in 1977, following the death of Mao Zedong, and later were among the defining features of Deng Xiaoping's tenure as head of the party.
The Nazi military tactic that led to their rapid success in World War II was the blitzkrieg.
Blitzkrieg is a military tactic based on the combination of mechanization, air power and telecommunications, aimed at the development of rapid and overwhelming maneuvers designed to break down enemy lines at their weakest points and then proceed to encircle and destroy isolated units, without giving any ability to react, given the constant state of movement of the attacking units.
Crowned by a resounding success during World War II, in the countryside of Poland, France and the Balkans, the Blitzkrieg showed the first shortcomings during the Barbarossa Operation. In fact, while on the western battlefields the operational distances were estimated in the order of tens of miles (allowing the mechanized infantry to almost never lose contact with the advancing armored units), in the endless Russian steppes the formations often ended up enormously lengthening, distributing the attack units along impressive-sized routes, making the aggregate infantry accumulate delays in the order of days with respect to the Panzer-Division.
On March 31, 1776 Abigail Adams wrote a celebrated letter to husband John, who was in Philadelphia serving in the Continental Congress, which would produce the Declaration of Independence three months later. In an age when women were seen as strictly domestic beings, the letter shows Abigail’s boldness and insight as she urged her husband Remember the Ladies, to grant women more rights, as he helped shape the new national government.
I would try inequalities in the tax structure.
The rich were paying less but getting more out the system.
Poor could not even buy food.
(Let them eat cake.)