For me it's definitely SCP-343!!!!!!!
Some of the arguments used to support US expansion and manifest destiny were: European examples, new markets and access to vast natural resources. Because of the US massive industrial expansion and production, US industries needed new markets to sell their goods to and they need access to more natural resources to ensure the continued production. The US expanded its inluences into Alaska, the Pacific (Hawaii, Samoa, Guam, and the Philippines), Latin America and Asia (China and Japan)
It was the Western Allies’ commitment to open a second front against Nazi Germany, including an invasion on France.
The correct answer is D. Baron de Montesquieu.
Montesquieu was a famous philosopher and author of the Enlightenment. His main work, The Spirit of the Law, is an extensive work that deals with many areas of law and compares the provisions of law in force in different countries in different eras. However, the work is best known for the fact that in it Montesquieu presents his doctrine of the three divisions of power, which has played a very important role in the development of the forms of government of Western democracies. Montesquieu considered the concentration of power to be the worst threat to civil liberties. His solution to this threat is the doctrine of the threefold division of power, according to which the legislature, the executive, and the judiciary had to be in the hands of different people.