The meaning of the quote "Without feeling of respect, what is there to distinguish men from beast" is a saying that humans have a certain level of consciousness that separates us from any other creature. We he created this type of society where we are expected to uphold certain standards, unlike our more primitive counterparts.
Gold mines, families from the Eastern states traveled across the country for gold.
John Adams was an ambassador to France during the American Revolution. Also served in Amsterdam securing a large loan that helped finance the war. He was also the first VP under George Washington, though Washington pretty much shut him out.
Saddam's had ties to the threats of terrorism and the weapons of big amounts of destruction.
Agriculture has played a major role in Arkansas’s culture from territorial times, when farmers made up more than ninety percent of the population, through the present (about forty-five percent of the state’s residents were still classified as rural in 2006). Beginning as a region populated by small, self-sufficient landowners, the state evolved through a plantation culture before the Civil War, to an era when tenant farming and sharecropping dominated from the Civil War to World War II, before yielding to technology and commercial enterprise. For more than 150 years, agricultural practices had hardly changed. Hand tools and draft animals limited an average farmer to cultivating about four acres a day and made it difficult to accumulate wealth. But World War II transformed agriculture, and in twenty-five years, machines turned what had been a lifestyle into a capitalistic endeavor.