Answer: Straight of Hormuz
Explanation: Straits are like narrow passageways between two pieces of land.
The Enforcement Act of 1870 basically made illegal the voting discrimination that existed on the basis of race. It made illegal the opposition of some government officials to integrate former slaves, mainly African-American in the social and political life.
One of the advantages was that the old mom & pop stores were no longer practical, because the corporations were more convenient. You didn't have to ride around to go to seven stores anymore, you would just go to the big-block store and get everything you needed there. Furthermore, corporations provided a large amount of unskilled jobs - previously, the largest part of the "American dream" was to go and start your own business, farm, etc., but now you could go get a job at a factory or supermarket, so the job market was diversified. Those are just two, but I'm sure you can think of more!
Potelmy’s map was based on information by merchants and soldiers who travelled through the Roman Empire. The Ptolemy map is known to Hellenistic society in the 2nd century. Waldseemuller map used information from explorers as well as producing the first map with the label “America”. It was the primary guide, printed or original copy, to delineate clearly a separate Western Hemisphere, with the Pacific as a separate ocean.
Napoleon first came to a position of great power through his participation in the coup d'etat of 19 Brumaire. he then solidified and extended his power through the use of plebiscites. Before 1799, Napoleon was the major military leader of France, but hr did not have a huge amount of political power.