the black frizzy hair sways in the wind like a bright sunny windy day
the trees blowing the leaves falling
the brown of the eyes like the squirrels coat
and the laugh that can echo the room like the birds can when they chirp
your heart full of love for the caring love of nature
as if you are the snow to the white of nature
1: If the bent object will spring back to it’s original shape when you let go of it, then the stored energy is known as elastic . What happened to the plastic straw when bent? This is because the straw is not bending, but the light around the straw is bending due to refraction.
2: When too much bending occurs and the limit is reached the rock suddenly snap or brake
"That very justification of his life held him fast and prevented his moving forward, and it caused him most torment of all."
I recently read this book. Ponyboy fantasized about going home and he thought of his parents.
Have a Nice Day!