Only the private sector can create both positive and negative externalities.
The Pharisees and teachers of religious law complained about Jesus due to his disapproval of them.
The Pharisees separated themselves from the society under the beliefs that the common man was religiously unclean. Jesus disapproved of their beliefs and often scolded them for their actions and arrogance.
Jesus accused the Pharisees of being hypocrites and sinners. In the end, the Pharisees conspired against Jesus and demanded his death. They did not believe that the Messiah would sacrifice himself for the world.
If this is what I'm thinking then it's like Japan's history. Where Japan was basically run by feudal lords and their loyal clans. until Japan started to becomes westernized. It's affects where a civil war between the samurai fighting for the old ways and the new Japan military who were fighting for railroads and a new age that would disgrace the samurai's life style.
because adults didn't trust boys to play unsupervised, attention soon shifted to organized sports. Sports were seen as important in teaching the “American” values of cooperation, hard work, and respect for authority.