I don't know what declaration you're talking about, but women would complain that they're deprived of rights to work, their rights as citizens, etc. They would work hard to get the rights they felt they were deprived of and deserved.
Jacksonian democracy. A movement for more democracy in American government in the 1830s. Led by President Andrew Jackson, this movement championed greater rights for the common man and was opposed to any signs of aristocracy in the nation.(Compare Jeffersonian democracy.)
Hamilton knew they needed a federal government with more power—to be able to tax, have a bank, and have a strong executive.
Small-scale distillers believed that Hamilton deliberately designed the tax to ruin them but large distillers recognized the advantage that the excise gave them and they supported it.
The reconstruction period had generally good ideas which were exploited by bad people and who turned it all upside down. The idea of reconstruction was to integrate African-Americans into the society and protect their rights and enable them to educate themselves and become sophisticated and emancipated members of the society.
During the gilded age, the focus switched form social to economic reforms and because of this the reconstruction ended and many southern states reverted to their original racist ways. This is why it's called the gilded age, it only looked like everything was great but it was bad at its core, like gilded items which only look gold.