Hmmmm… I’d say it’s A, B and C don’t really have a correct definitions of “summarize”
. Which of the following is an example of an indefinite pronoun?
A. This
B. Each
C. Which
D. You
<span>2. Which of the following would you most often be able to find in a basic dictionary? </span>
A. An illustrated picture of a word you don't already know
B. A list of newspapers that frequently use a word you don't already know
C. A narrative story featuring a word you don't already know
D. The pronunciation of a word you don't already know
<span>3. Three of the following statements about a verb are true. Which statement is false? </span>
A. A verb makes a statement about the subject of a sentence.
B. A verb can express a state of being.
C. A verb takes the place of adjectives.
D. A verb can express action.
<span>4. Tom says that a preposition shows position. Ann says that a preposition shows the logical relationship between ideas. Who is correct? </span>
A. Tom is correct.
B. Neither Tom nor Ann are correct.
C. Both Tom and Ann are correct.
D. Ann is correct.
<span>5. Which of the following is an example of a proper noun? </span>
A. justice
B. gavel
C. John G. Roberts, Jr.
D. him
<span>6. In which of the following sentences is an adverb used correctly? </span>
A. She sang beautifully.
B. She is a beautifully singer.
C. She sang the song beautiful.
D. She sang a beautiful song.
<span>7. What is the difference between a clause and a phrase? </span>
A. A clause has a subject and a verb, but a phrase does not.
B. A clause always contains a preposition.
C. A phrase has a subject and a verb, but a clause does not.
D. A phrase always contains a preposition.
<span>8. How can you tell the difference between a compound sentence and a complex sentence? </span>
A. A compound sentence can be separated into two parts that can each stand alone.
B. Complex sentences contain coordinating conjunctions that separate the clauses.
C. Clauses in a complex sentence are always independent.
D. A compound sentence isn't made of stand-alone clauses.
<span>9. Which of the following contains a correct, standard use of a comma? </span>
A. The warrior ran to safety, but the soldier stood and fought.
B. The warrior, ran to safety but the soldier stood and fought.
C. The warrior ran to safety but, the soldier stood and fought.
D. The warrior ran to safety but the soldier stood, and fought
<span>10. Which of the following is not a common sentence error? </span>
A. Mixed construction
B. Fragment
C. Run-on
D. Prepositional phrase
11. What is the conjunction in the following sentence?
<span>I will take my sister to the concert, provided that she can buy a ticket. </span>
A. provided that
B. to the
C. concert, provided
D. that she
12. In the following sentence, identify the prepositional phrase, and tell whether it acts as an adjective or adverb.
<span>The children found the pictures in the book interesting. </span>
A. The children; adjective
B. in the book; adjective
C. the pictures in; adjective
D. found the pictures; adverb
13. In the following sentence, to which antecedent is the pronoun referring?
<span>After Denise went to the grocery store, she stopped at the gas station. </span>
A. she
B. store
C. Denise
D. station
<span>14. Which of the following is a correct statement about punctuation? </span>
A. The two types of punctuation are beginning and external.
B. Punctuation is usually an extra, unnecessary part of a sentence.
C. Each direct question should end with a period.
D. Punctuation marks show pauses, inflection, and emphasis.
<span>15. Which of the following is an example of a third-person pronoun? </span>
A. Them
B. Us
C. Ourselves
D. Yourselves
<span>16. Which of the following is an example of an infinitive phrase? </span>
A. which had been running
B. running
C. having been running
D. to run
<span>17. Which of the following correctly describes connotation? </span>
A. The meaning of a word that has never changed
B. The pronunciation of a word
C. An implied meaning of word understood by language users
D. A new word added to the dictionary
<span>18. Of the following, which correctly describes the complete predicate of a sentence? </span>
A. All of the sentence except the simple subject
B. The prepositional phrase
C. The verb
D. All of the sentence except the complete subject
19. In the following sentence, which words are nouns?
<span>During their vacation, Sarah and Matthew read the same book. </span>
A. their and book
B. vacation and book
C. Sarah, Matthew, the, and book
D. vacation, Sarah, Matthew, and book
<span>20. Which of the following is not a synonym of the word beautiful? </span>
A. Stunning
B. Gorgeous
C. Attractive
<span>D. Gritty</span>
I saw this question and answer here sooo
5. climatic
Arranging things in a sequence, where each things precedes or succedes another is called ordering. Ordering can be done in several ways, depending on ordering criteria.
For example, we can arrange events chronologically, which means we arrange them based on the time period when they occured; from the most to the least recent event, or vice versa.
Spatial arrangement means that we list things based on their position in space; from right to left, or from top to bottom.
Logical order is when we place things in a manner that each one logically follows the previous.
However, in this example, we have climatic order, which means that things are arranged in an order from the least important to the most important, making the final thing on the list the most important, or strongest, or the best.
Slavery was the main issue dividing the main parties.
The election of 1856 in which James Buchanan won as a Democratic presidential candidate, against the Know-Nothings party and the Republican party, shows that "Slavery was the main issue dividing the main parties."
This is evident in the fact that the Democratic party was perceived by the public as a party in support of slavery.
Hence, some Democrats and Whigs party members fall out to form new parties, the Know-Nothing Party, and the Republican party.
The Know-Nothings party has the ideal of anti-immigration, while the Republicans have the anti-slavery ideals.
O In his day, he was the mightiest man on earth
The poem describes Beowulf as battle-brave, a strong warrior who had the strength of thirty men. Beowulf was able to undergo the quest of defeating Grendel because he was the only courageous and bold man in his day who was strong enough to challenge Grendel in a battle.
The evidence of his mightiness can be seen in the fact that he defeated Grendel and put him to death. When Grendel's mother also came to avenge his death, Beowulf also defeated her.