Thesaurus will be most helpful because it will give you new words to use in your vocabulary it will express words in new ways which will in turn help your ideas be expressed differently
Answer: to show that producing drinking water is just one good result of fog collection.
The author use the phrase "a harvest of many benefits" to show that producing drinking water is just one good result of fog collection.
The intent of the phrase was to show how important fog collection was. Apart form the fact that it produces drinking water, it can also irrigate crops and change high deserts into green landscapes.
Gamora realized that the life-sized teddy bear was too heavy to carry, and couldn't fit into her car.
words like, And, but, nor, for, so. Need a comma before the word.
D. 1-across the stage 2-modifies ballerina.
D. 1-across the stage 2-modifies ballerina.