<span>Landforms affect climate by altering the wind and rate of evaporation, which can cause changes in the temperature, humidity and precipitation of a region</span>
Deep space telescopes are fitted with the faint object cameras, that are way better than ground-based spectroscopically functioning telescopes. The Subaru telescope at Hawaii observed the faintest object ever from a ground-based telescope. But when compared to other deep-space telescopes like Hubble's deep space telescopes it's very small. They have reached up to a magnitude of 31 , which observes 20 times fainter objects .
I would say that the Rocky Mts were the youngest of all these mountain ranges as they were created between 80-55 million years ago during the Laramide Orogeny and also they are generally much taller than the other mountain ranges mentioned here which is a characteristic of young mountain ranges and their features are sharper as they haven't been eroded the way most of these others have so have been subject to erosion for less time than the others.
1) Jupiter is a planet made entirely out if gas, therefore humans can't walk on Jupiter and Jupiter lacks oxygen.
2) Uranus is a Ice giant, that means it's very cold and humans would most likely freeze to death. Also Uranus lacks oxogen..
3) Neptune is the farthest known planet from the sun, that makes Neptune too cold to be lived on.
4)Pluto is far from the sun, which would make it very cold
5) Mars would be perfect for humans, but the o-zone lacks of oxygen. Scientists say, Mars could support like if we simulate life on earth. Mars is also humid enough to support life.
the waves can erode the rocks over time