The United States eventually won the war. This showed other countries that even in the worst situations the country could hold it's own.
Governor of Giorgia has many formal responsibilities stated by the Constitution, among those powers we can mention:
1- The command of military forces in Giorgia, since he is the commarnder-in chief.
2- In case of any vacancy in the Georgia House of Representatives and Georgia senate, he/she is the person allowed to fill it.
3- Governor is in charge of assuring the execution of laws and of maintaining the peace and order among citizens.
Historic events m8. You are welcome
Mussolini was able to take over Italy because Italys King was unwilling to risk a battle with protesters in Rome
The Attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7th, 1941 had brought the United States into World War II. This highly changed America's neutrality effort into war conversion. As the Japanese in the pacific took South East Asian lands, Hitler then declared war on the United States. The United States for the early stages of World War Two had been helping Britain through lend-lease, now the men of the country are being conscripted into war. For the women, how they supported the war effort is working in munitions factories, radio operators, spies, war nurses, etc. This had made US society shift into all-out war, propaganda was made by companies like Disney, telling the public to can your food, buy war bonds, enlist in the army, etc. The movies that were being made in Hollywood had displayed fascism as bad and showing footage of American advances in Europe or Asia. Everything was done to help the war effort in American society during 1941-1945.