B. Perception
Complete awarness of an object is the perception of it. Perception is the act of result of a percipting or being completely aware. Therefore perception os correcto.
I’m not sure but I think maybe a Pano picture or a collage
This piece make use of values. Due to the use of lights and darks on the piece, certain lines may have more emphasis than others, thus creating movement in the piece. This piece does not have a subject matter, because it seems to be more focused on formalism due to its wide use of elements and principles of design. This piece does not have content.
2 sons and 6 daughters (2 hijos y 6 hijas)
1 son has 3 sister, and they have less than 10 children, having 3 sons will have 9 daughters so that wouldn't be correct. If you have 2 sons, there's going to be 6 daughters. The total is 8 which is less than 10.
(1 hijo tiene 3 hermanas, y tienen menos de 10 hijos, tener 3 hijos tendrá 9 hijas, por lo que no sería correcto. Si tienes 2 hijos, habrá 6 hijas. El total es 8, que es menos de 10.)