Letter B
Britania blocked the French coastlines to ensure that France cannot get allies and armies from it's colony so they could lose the war. The British navy controls French coasts that time of war
For example look at Vietnam. Thousands of Americans lost their lives due fighting down there. When LBJ was president civilian people and soldiers wanted the US out of the war at any cost. Due to him not pulling them out people started to think that the government wasn’t on their side in this matter or didn’t listen.
I'm guessing you meant Charleston. The British one that one.
The Regulator Movement highlighted the differences between the eastern and western parts of North Carolina. Angered by corruption and scandal in the government, including unfair taxation, the Regulators formed in 1764 to stop it. Initially they only held protests, but over time the movement grew violent.
The answer is 1610 by Governor Don Pedro de Peralta