Botánica medicinal
En botánica médica, partes de plantas o árboles como hojas, raíces, cortezas, semillas, frutos, etc. son esenciales para obtener beneficios medicinales debido a la presencia de ingredientes activos. Las raíces se utilizan principalmente para fabricar medicamentos en función de sus componentes y también de la estructura de la raíz, es decir, sólida (ginseng), carnosa (garra del diablo) o fibrosa (ortiga).
Is there multiple choice? I know one is the Gobi, and I think the other is the Taklamakan desert. But I'm not sure about the latter.
A. Ethiopian Highlands . . . Horn of Africa
- The Ethiopian highlands are a great mass of the rugged highlands in the Ethiopian that are situated around the horn regions and is the largest continuous elevated areas with a surface area of about 1,500 m and is also called the roof of the Africa due to the second-largest areal extent and is geologically 75 million years old.
Then there would be no clean oxygen
Supporting points are:
Help the disadvantaged,support the underdeveloped nations humanitarian departments such as health and security,help integrate the people into the global economy, especially through educational initiative.It is in line with the moral majority, and christian doctrines of humanity.Can help eradicate human rights abuses as aid is tied to such demands
AgainstMost of the funds get into a few african elites hands anyway Redirecting tax payers money into other nation is morally wrong.It defeats the essence of rationality, as the country gets little benefit by giving out the aid.