Exchange rate helps to determine the value of money in the foreign currency. If the exchange rate changes from 1.8 to 1.5 francs per dollar it means that the franc per dollar appreciates, and the dollar depreciates. Now, more dollars can be bought by trading Swiss franc compared to the previous rate. A decrease in exchange rate decreases the value of the dollar compared to the Swiss franc.
Question Options:
A) economic order quantity
B) partial productivity
C) multifactor productivity
D) internal service quality
Explanation: Multifactor productivity is also known as total factor productivity can be defined as the elements or influences that determines the output in production from the inputs. Like in this question, the company determined the inputs (wood, metal, fabric, labor hours, capital, and the electricity) required to produced an output (chair).
Suppose that a chicken farm uses a nearby stream to dispose of the wastes released by its chickens. These wastes flow downstream into a lake that has become thick with algae and polluted due to the minerals in the waste matter. The local office of a nonprofit environmental organization successfully lobbies state regulators to stop the farm's pollution.
It's important to note that sometimes private solutions to externalities do not work. For example, this occurs when communications barriers or social customs are important enough relative to the potential gains involved that a private solution is not feasible.
The type of private solution to the externality of pollution occurred in this case is Charities
, because the work done by a non-profit organization is a form of charity.
It is crucial to note that sometimes private solutions to externalities do not work for example, this occurs when one party repeatedly holds out for a better deal.This describes the problem of a breakdown in bargaining.
Answer: The general journal is used to post all accounting entries.
The general journal is the journal where all company transactions are recorded in. In other words, a general journal is the book of original entry where bookkeepers and accountants record business transactions according to the date the transactions take place.
It is the initial place where transactions are recorded, every page in the journal is divided into columns for dates, debit or credit records, serial numbers etc. Some companies keep specialized journals, such as sales journals or purchase journals, which records only a particular type of transactions. When a transaction has been recorded in the general journal, the amount is then posted to the appropriate accounts.