who what where when and why
personal anecdotes
When speakers try to convince people or write persuasively, they usually think out the best techniques that will work for them.
Anecdotes are known short account of an event that happened, usually told in the form of a very brief story. When they stories are being told, they are used to create an emotional response and help support a persuasive argument.
B. Very Bad
We can infer the meaning of "appalling" by looking at the surrounding information of the word, that is to say, by using context clues. Phrases like "An awful fate" and "the worst I’ve ever seen" helps us infer that "appalling" is not a good thing, instead, it must refer to something very bad, horrifying or astonishing.
The correct answer is:
Nonverbal behavior
The nonverbal behavior communicative process refers to the capacity that human beings have for transmitting a message without using verbal language. This kind of communication includes several resources such as gestures, hands position, postures, way of looking, which are employed even in verbal conversations. In the majority of the cases, it is possible to say that it includes additional messages to the communicative process.