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Topography is the shape of the land. And area's topography may be flat, sloping, hilly, or mountainous. The topography of and area includes the area's elevation, relief, and landforms. Elevation. The height above sea level of a point on Earth's surface is its elevation.
Well Texas vs Johnson was concerned with the protest that burned the flag of the unites states of America. Engle vs vital was about separation of religion in schools by having morning prayers in public schools. Hazelwood vs kuhlmier was concerned about students publishing whatever they wanted to in school newspapers and if the principal had the right to stop an article from being published. They all have the part about protesting one of the core beliefs in the constitution whether it is free speech or freedom of religion and our right to protest
Ethiopia won its right for independence when Italy attempted to conquer it around the turn of the century. While Liberia was never challenged because it was established by Americans for freed slaves so it was not tapered with because of its long his of a pocket state of the US.