Answer: How would I describe this year? 2020-2021 is like looking both ways before you cross the street then getting hit by an airplane. How accurate?
Now 2020-2021 has changed our habitats of not changing out of our pj’s or staying in our sweatpants all afternoon. Which doesn’t sound so bad.
But it also caused a lot of pain and suffering to many people and families. Which will never forget.
We’ve all had our breakdowns from this year, and I know I have. From being bored to death to being overwhelmed with homework, we still got through.
I’ve literally had to move two times during this year, now being three by the end of this month. I know I’m shocked too but all trying to say is this year hast benn hard for most of us
Unclear question. However, I inferred you are referring to the story "Fences".
Now that in the story mention was made that "Troy Mason lived in his own little world and that he viewed the people in his life as revolving around him". The expression "he viewed the people in his life as revolving around him" indicates his privileged position which makes him feel superior to others.
I honestly think that the answer is B
Scientific discoveries allow several problems that threatened and even hindered our lives to be solved. This can be seen by the development of disease treatment, better forms of mobility, better forms of communication, greater access to entertainment, among other technologies that we can say that make our lives easy, increase our quality of life and allow maintenance of our life is more efficient.
However, scientific advancement promotes the strong exploitation of natural resources, which causes degradation of those resources that are essential for our existence. With degeneration increasingly efficient, we do not know what our lives will be like in the future, but we know it will be insecure because we cannot fight against the force of environmental imbalance.
People draw funds from others the same way some people draw health and immunity for others.