Ganelon got angry at Roland because he was jealous of Roland’s achievements and because of Roland nominated him to go to King Marsile as an ambassador to France, thinking he will lose his life for it. This is the correct answer.
The song of Roland is a poem that was created in the period of 1040 to 1115. It is a classic poem based on the Battle of Roncevaux Pass in 778 during the reign of Charlemagne. It is a major work of French Literature, existing in many manuscript versions and having enormous and lasting popularity in the 12th to 14th centuries. It is also the oldest surviving work of French literature.
The early version of the poem was made in 1040, with additions and modifications made until 1115. The poem consisted of 4,000 lines in its final form. The poem is the first example of chanson de geste, along with The poem of the Cid, a form of literature that existed and grew between the 11th and 15th centuries, focused on celebrating legendary deeds.
The poem retold the story of the battle of Roncevaux Pass, with Roland, a prominent and well-known commander of the French army as the main protagonist. Roland is one of the close allies of Charlemagne, the king of France at that time. Ganelon is the stepfather of Roland, who from the very beginning of the poem is described as envious of his stepson’s achievements. The French have long been in war with the Muslims in Spain, with one of the last cities under Muslim rule, Saragossa standing.
The king of the Muslim/Saracen, Marsile is given counsel to conciliate to Charlemagne’s rule by Blancandrin, a wise man. Charlemagne and his army, weary from the fighting, accepted the offer and select a messenger to King Marsile’s court. Roland nominates Ganelon as the messenger. This angers Ganelon, as in his view Roland schemes to have him murdered. He takes revenge by telling the Saracens a way to ambuscade the rear protector of Charlemagne’s army, led by Roland as the Franks enter the mountain passes as a way to get back to France.
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KEYWORD: Roland, Ganelon, angry
Subject: English
Class: 10-12
Subchapter: The Song of Roland