Socrates's approach to seeking knowledge, and some of his fellow Athenians find it controversial is described below in detail.
Socrates evolved the dialectical method for obtaining knowledge. He practiced an inductive approach to argumentation to generate universal explanations. This was his approach to the certainty that would be developed by Plato. Socrates highlighted knowledge all his life because he considered that “the intelligence to differentiate between right and wrong rests in people's understanding, not in society.”
Byzantine / Constantinople was at the perfect spot to function as a capital, strategically and economically
It depends on what penalties, and the severity of the student cheating.
So, the student is cheating on something minor, something unimportant, then I don't think they need to be kicked out of class just for that, but maybe get a 0 on that whole thing and that will teach them a lesson.
If the student is cheating on something important (excluding big tests), then the school should probably: A, give them a 0 on it or B, move them down to a lower level so the student feels like they don't have to cheat.
The worst thing they could do is cheat on a really big test like an exam, then they will probably end up with a big fat 0 on it all and flunk that class, or get kicked out of class.
Lots of people (adults and kids) think that penalties should be easier on the kids, but I don't agree with that. If the kid has done something wrong, then the kid needs to pay for their actions and deal with the consequences.
The Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty II aimed to:
b. Banned any new development of nuclear weapons
d. Managed to reduce the size of their nuclear arsenals
The Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty II or SALT II was the continuation of a previous attempt to regulate the nuclear arms threat between the US and the USSR. This happened during a period known as the Cold War where the world was divided into 2 blocks competing for power: the Capitalist block led by the US, and the Communist block led by the USSR.
Both countries had developed large arsenals of nuclear weapons and a war between them would've had catastrophic consequences. Talks between President Jimmy Carter and Premier Brezhnev began in November 1974. They agreed to: limit the size of their nuclear arsenals, limit the development of new weapons, and limit the deployment of new offensive weapons.
The treaty was signed on June 18, 1979.