Write a repetition statement that outputs the numbers 45 , 51 , . . . , 165 . That is, all of the multiples of 6 in increasing o
rder, starting at 45 and ending at 165 . #include Using namespace std; Int main( ) { Int i = 45; For ( i = 45; i <=165; i = i + 6) Count << i << endl; System("pause"); }
I corrected your code and highlighted the mistakes. Even though you wrote the correct algorithm, your code did not compile because of the typos you made.
Remember, C++ is a case-sensitive language. That means, "For" is not same as "for".
Generally, variables and keywords are written in lower case. Of course, there are exceptions, such as constant variables are all written in uppercase letter and class names start with an uppercase letter.
polynomial-time 3-approximation for the maximum matching problem in 3-regular hypergraphs as follows: Given a 3-regular hypergraph, find a matching with maximum cardinality.
If you look at the picture, you will see why it is C. It says D, but the multiple choices are differently ordered and it is kind of differently worded.