Answer: hi there! Have a good day/night :))
(config)# enable password secret
(config)# enable secret Encrypted_Password
(config-line)# password secret
(config)# enable secret Secret_Password
(config)# service password-encryption
To prevent all configured passwords from appearing in plain text in configuration files, an administrator can execute the service password-encryption command. This command encrypts all configured passwords in the configuration file. For more:
- Print the values days of bottles.
- Display total number of bottles collecting.
- Display the payout for this transaction.
another = "Y"
while another=="Y":
print("Input Values 7 days of bottles:")
total = 0
for I in range(7):
collected_bottles = int(input())
total += collected_bottles
payout = total*DEPOSIT_PER_BOTTLE
print("Total number of bottles collected: {:,}".format(total))
print("Payout for this transaction $%.2f"%payout)
another = input("Do you want to complete another transaction? ").upper()
Mapping to the IP address of the logged-in user<u>-will detect a credential theft</u>
In the "Domain Credential Filter" method the firewall matches the username and the password submitted by the user with the corporate user id and password.
In order to match the credentials submitted by the user the firewalls retrieves data from the bloom filter which is further connected to windows User-ID credential service add-on.
The firewall also looks in its Mapping Table for the IP address of the logged-in user