The Supreme Court case of Brown vs Board II results in the Supreme Court demanding that all schools desegregate "with all deliberate speed."
During the first Brown v. Board case, the Supreme Court ruled that the "separate but equal" (established in Plessy vs. Ferguson) was illegal. The court argued that separate can never be equal and that this includes in America's public schools.
However, many all white schools refused to follow this law. This resulted in the Supreme Court having to establish that this needed to be done with "all deliberate speed." Since this terminology is vague, several white schools take several years to integrate schools. This results in more hostility between whites and African-Americans throughout the US.
The Maya religious and political system was based on the belief that rulers were in direct communication with the gods. When these divine connections failed to produce rainfall and good harvests, tensions likely developed.
If the president <span>doesn't sign the bill but holds it for more than
10 days then it automatically becomes law without his signature, except
if Congress isn't in session to accept the returned bill.