The correct answer is : We had passed through long walls of piled skeletons, with casks and puncheons intermingling, into the inmost recesses of the catacombs. & The drops of moisture trickle among the bones. Come, we will go back ere it is too late. Your cough—".
There is not a multiple choice
The answer is "Both present detailed information about storytelling traditions in several countries."
I dont have an explination but I am in k12 and I think thats correct. I was wondering, could you help me with this question?
Part A
What is a central idea of "The Sound of Spring"?
A. Alexa's plans for the day take a surprising and exciting turn.
B/ Ruby's attentiveness to Alexa makes her feel cared for and appreciated.
C. Kaito's delight in music becomes infectious to those around him.
D. Alexa's appreciation of sounds leads her down a new path.
Question 2
Part B
Which evidence from the text best supports the answer to Part A?
A. "Ruby allowed Alexa to follow the music to a house a half a block away."
B. "Alexa tried to let him enjoy the moment, but she couldn’t help herself. She clapped and cried out 'wooo-hooo!'"
C. “'But can you guys come back tomorrow? Then I can start teaching Alexa how to play.'”
D. “'You’re the best sister ever!' Alexa shouted, a wide grin spreading across her face."
Thank you
The correct answer is D. All of the above.
A sequence of events means that we are shown what events happened one after another. The examples should give us a clear picture of what happened, who did what and when, and even perhaps why.
As you can see in all examples above, that is exactly what happened:
A) Something was happening and then he started hearing sounds
B) He was doing something and then went to sleep
C) Tito was sleeping and then something disappeared
All examples show us a sequence of events.
affect is an impact on or an influence, effect is a noun, showing the result or outcome of something.