I believe a majority of major battles happened in these places because the British had control of them at some point. New York also served as the British base of operations so they probably wanted to break Britain's hold on these cities.
Charlemagne instituted principles for accounting practice by means of the Capitulare de Villas of 802, which laid down strict rules for the way in which incomes and expenses were to be recorded. Early in Charlemagne's rule he tacitly allowed the Jews to monopolize money lending.
2.all of the continents and countries are clearly shown as well as the oceans
3.it shows that the europeans only mingled with the African Americans because of forced trade. other than trade they viewed Africa through a distorted veil of racism.
I would say that these terms illustrate that directions and words like "middle" are relative. For the Europeans China was far east from their point of view, but for China it was in the middle of what was relevant for them. It also shows that each place considers its own place as the center of their world: every other place will be seen through its relation with it.