I think your essay is wonderful! You said your opinion in your first paragraph, then stated why in the next ones. Also the big if is pretty cool. Keep on writing essays and lapses will be corrected. Try to proofread and check the spelling so that it will be better.
i dont know how to make that
Winston Churchill was a master at Oratorial Skill. He often delivered his ideas using this technique of communication.
His oratorial skills were distinct in that used Old English words, with a touch of verbosity. He was good with replacing passive words with animated words thus creating an effect that electrified his listeners.
The inquiry process is just that: a process. No one model can encapsulate inquiry-based education and the range it encompasses. We are fully aware of the dangerous line we tread when we try to describe a process that is dynamic; and we must stress that any one description is not the only-or the ideal-model.Our intention is to present some of the important aspects of inquiry that ought to be supported in a successful learning environment. For example, we should remember that inquiry often does-and should-lead to the creation of new ideas. And constructively communicating those ideas within the context of our classroom environments is central to the whole inquiry process.<span>That said, below you will find a basic outline of what the inquiry process includes.</span>