Both men vow to make peace with each other.
I oppose Kaepernick's actions because he could do so many other beneficial things besides just sit down. He could donate to a multitude of organizations, etc. However, I support his cause.
I could not find the article that is missing in your question but I will tell you something more about the author's bias in the literature work so you can find it by yourself.
- Authors are not always having fair thinking about something, they also can have many mistakes in their thinking patterns or wrong choices. They can make it also on purpose or it could be just their natural thinking.
A bias is representing those unfair presentations of some events or situations in literature. They are having their point of view that isn't always matching our expectations. If you want to find the author's bias in your article you must find first what is the way that he looks at certain situations or feelings.
It changed over time because women started to want to wear different things. With the bicycle it changed because the movement needed to be fast. Because of the design of the bicycle from the early 1800's women most likely wore what they wore out of the household, including long skirts, blouses up to the necks and huge sun hats.
Passive voice:
"In watching, that boy is good."