Characteristics. Both Ahab and Ishmael are fascinated by the whale, but whereas Ahab perceives him exclusively as evil, Ishmael keeps an open mind. Ahab has a static world view, blind to new information, but Ishmael's world view is constantly in flux as new insights and realizations occur.
The following quotes, shows depressed Holden how we feels.
pg. 98<span> “I felt miserable. I felt so depressed, you can’t imagine."</span>He has suicidal thoughts
pg. 104<span> “What I really felt like, though, was committing suicide. I felt like jumping out the window. I probably would’ve done it, too.”
"Song of Myself," as a long poem comprised of fifty-two shorter vignettes, was no exception to this belief. For example, in VI., "A Child Said, "What Is the Grass?"", Whitman describes, in so many words, that grass is a representation of the cycle of life and death. He claims that the.
The Design of my planet would look just like earth but maybe the planet would be a bit smaller because I'm paranoid and do not like big spaces.
The laws would be:
No Killing
No Stealing
No Harming
No Lying
No being Mean
Please mark brainliest
Have a good day.