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Called for a constitutional amendment to empower the federal government to build roads and canals.
During President Madison second term the US had grown rapidly, the nation had gone bigger and transport and communication across the territory became a challenge.
New roads and canals were needed so the country could develop, Madison knew that. But he believed that the Congress did not have the authority to build them, so he defended that the Constitution should be amended so the federal government was authorized to build them.
Congress did not agree with that and did not amend the Constitution, instead, they passed the Bonus Bill, that was vetoed by Madison exactly because he believed that the federal government did not have the power to carry the execution of those powers.
Answer: "Large corporations exist only because they are created and protected by our institutions." Theodore Roosevelt.
In this way, the former president described the country's situation related to certain corporations, including the one owned by Rockefeller. In that way, the president started a showdown with monopolistic companies in the country. The idea was to create more competition in the market. That way, everyone would have an equal chance of succeeding, and the market would become fairer. The president has succeeded in his efforts bypassing several laws. Large corporations were powerless to oppose state policy.
It took more than 1,000,000 men to build the Great Wall of China. They took several years. Around 2,000 years to be exact.