How dumb is (insert businessman) when it comes to buisness?
You could just steal the slogan from Philippine Airlines: "It's more fun in the Philippines!" and then like elaborate. It would be more like an infographic than a slogan poster, but I mean whatever works. Or you could say "Las Pilipinas: Kay Ganda at Masaya!" (it's supposed to say the philippines: so beautiful and fun, but idrk cuz my mom's the one who is filipino and speaks tagalog not me)
My day was awesome, but I got in trouble at school.
Just off the top of my head!
D. Jaycee's hard work paid off when he received As in all his classes, making his parents very proud of him.
Answer choice D is the correct answer because it shows the resolution/result of Jaycee's conflict. Jaycee's conflict was that he felt challenged by the other people in his classes who were doing very well since middle school. His solution was to spend extra time studying, and all that hard work paid off by him getting straight As and parent approval.
It's either c or d because a and b are opinionated