A virtual guide to Sierra Leone, a tropical country on the coast of West Africa, bordered by the Atlantic Ocean in south west, by Liberia in south east and it is half surrounded by Guinea in north and north east.
didn't understand who is the hero of the schilpad nation?
Answer: The three proper nouns are: Martin Luther King Jr, Monday, January
<h2>First, you should write your goal using positive and not</h2><h2>negative language. Next, make sure you find people who</h2><h2>will support you as you try to reach your goal. Finally, give</h2><h2>yourself a reward every time you make a small step toward</h2><h2>the bigger goal. If you follow these guidelines, your goal is</h2><h2>more likely to be a successful one.</h2>
A. People set both professional and personal goals,
B. There are several things to do when setting a goal.
C. Many schools offer classes on how to set goals.
<h3><em><u>D</u>. People who set goals tend to do more in life than people who</em><em> </em><em>don't.</em></h3><h3 /><h3 />
<u>Definition of qualification</u>
1: a restriction in meaning or application : a limiting modification
2: a quality or skill that fits a person (as for an office)
3: a condition or standard that must be complied with (as for the attainment of a privilege)