Un ciudadano global es alguien que conoce y comprende el mundo en general, y su lugar en él. Asumen un papel activo en su comunidad y trabajan con otros para hacer que nuestro planeta sea más pacífico, sostenible y más justo.
Usé la web para encontrar esta respuesta, así que condiméntela con sus propias palabras.
Local winds are those winds which are preferred to travel small distances.
The winds which flows in a particular area and the direction of those winds are predicted from before. Local winds like the sea breeze which flows from the sea to land keeping the temperature of the coastal areas little mild. Also, the land breezes which flows from the land to the sea at night. These local winds are quite dissimilar to the global winds. These winds don't change the total weather of a place but they just vary the temperature in few degrees of that small particular area.
Answer: Neurons communicating slowly and ineffective.
Neurons are cells in the nervous system that communicate with one another to perform information-processing tasks. When they communicate slowly, problem of coordination begins to surface.
Answer: C
Voting under another citizen’s name is included as impersonation.