Congress and state department
Senate is part of congress and congress is the executive branch. And the state department advises the president by representing the states which is part of the job of the executive branch
Before the Renaissance occurred, several countries across Europe were suffering from diseases and poverty. They were also suffering from problems such as lack of employment and education, health care, a stable home, and basic necessities of life. These problems sometimes led to numerous deaths of both children and adults due to lack of health care provided. In terms of art before the Renaissance began, it was normally centered around religious figures or meanings and showed limited techniques used to make the piece of art look more realistic. When the Renaissance began, new techniques of art was introduced such as perspective, individuality, classical art styles and beauty designs. When these new techniques were applied to paintings, it made it look more detailed and realistic.
The French Revolution ( 1789 ) precipitated the events that led to the abolition of the slavery. In 1793, a proclamation granted slaves freedom in France. In 1803 Haiti gained its independence from France and ended slavery. The Haitian Revolution gained its inspiration from the French Revolution.
A. Both ended slavery in their territories.