1 gallon = 128 fluid ounces.
So to find the price of an 8 ounce glass of Moo Milk we need to multiply (8/128) x 5.12.
That equals $0.32.
B. Organisms in each ecological system have evolved in that system and have adaptations suited for that environment.
According to natural selection theory, organisms need to continuously adapt and evolve within an environment or risk being wiped away from that environment.
Organisms that are not able to adapt to an environment are gradually replaced by those that have the capability to adapt and survive in that environment.
Those that are able to survive go ahead to reproduce and give rise to offspring with inherent ability to survive while those that cannot survive die off.
The correct option is B.
Both deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and ribonucleic acid (RNA) are made up of nucleotides which consist of three parts:TRUE
A cladogram is similar to Family Tree
A cladogram and a family tree both show relationships between common ancestors. It shows the relationship the organism but it is not same as evolutionary or family tree because it doesn’t show the relationship with ancestor to their descendent and also it doesn’t show how they changed.
Cladogram is type of diagram based result analysis. Clade is group of organism with their last similar ancestor. A cladogram is represented through lines.
Hazardous substances are dangerous substances while toxins are poisonous substances. Hazardous substances may cause harm to an individuals health; they include acute toxins such as cyanide; substances harmful after repeated or prolonged exposure such as mercury and silica, among others. Toxic substances can be poisonous or cause health effects.