Your bags are packed for a family vacation to Jamaica, and you leave in three days. There is no way that you can get a refund si
nce you purchas your airfare and hotel through a special offer on a travel website. Your co-worker calls out of work for one week, saying her child has the flu and sh can't come to work because she has no one to watch her child. Your supervisor says you have to cover that co-worker's shift AGAIN for the fourth in two months. Unfortunately, if you cover the shift you will miss your vacation, and you will lose the money you spent on it. How would you manage this job conflict, and why? Do you: • Avoid your supervisor and call out sick • Collaborate with your supervisor to come up with a solution • Accommodate your supervisor and skip your vacation
Collaborate with your supervisor to come up with a solution
This is the single best solution; a compromise has to be met, and occasionally, sacrifices have to be made. In order to reach a consensus, both sides have to provide some benefaction of their own to the other. Avoiding your supervisor could result in a hazardous, ongoing conflict between you and your supervisor, but, on the other hand, it simply wouldn't be fair to waste your precious money! And as I stated earlier: this is where you come to a compromise. Maybe opt to work some extra hours rather than taking this specific shift. You could also politely ask to be excused of this shift, and ask a friend to take this time slot. (Implying you have mates at work) :)