Greetings, my friend!
It is truly an honor to be able to tell you that I've been awarded a scholarship to study overseas! While this is a really gratifying undertaking, it will also be a grueling undertaking for me to overcome. I'll be really sad to leave all my loved ones behind. I realize that I will be able to contact them at any time, but I am saddened that I will not be able to meet them face to face. My good friend and companion, Robee, will likewise be difficult to bear." I'm sorry, but I must refuse him this opportunity. However, thank you very much for making me aware of your promise to take care of him while I'm away! You two will get along famously. If you give Robee a lot of belly massages, please do so for me, too. It is time for me to get my belongings and return to my home, but I will be in touch shortly.
From a sincere buddy, I like you.
2 ( the one with the comma)
Umm well way more classes no more free time or recess you don’t have to walk in a line there way more strict and classes are a bit stressful at times going to high school next year finally
Date: 13-5-2021
Dear friend ,
Hi! Iam fine here hope you are also fine there. how is your days going now as there is lockdown, and I’m a bit scared anyway... How are they going. Are you having any online classes??.. Well today in this letter I just wanted to share my experience of lockdown with you.
I am very bored during lockdown. Our area is in red zone . So as you know we should not go outside. But it’s a bit scary because the person actually has a gun and it’s very frightening I know your think I should be writing to my parents instead of you but I already did. I just wanted to share this with you and I don’t know if this will be my last time writing to you or not but I just wanted to say I hope you are ok and feeling great have a nice one ♥️
we wouldn't know how to help with that, the best i can say it wipe.