Budding is a type of asexual reproduction where the new organism (offspring) grows as an outgrowth from the body of the parent. Here, the new individual starts growing as a small body on one side of the parent organism and continues growing in size while still attached to the parent.
Early on, it appears as part of the parent given that it does not detach until it has grown further. Ultimately, the new individual, which resembles the parent, detaches and becomes an independent organism.
<span>The correct answer is testes. Gametes are sex cells, meaning that when the sex cell from a male joins with the sex cell from a female, reproduction occurs. In males, the sex cells are sperm and in females, they are eggs. The formation of these sex cells occurs in the testes for males and in the ovaries for females. So, the second option is incorrect because ovaries belong to females, gametes are incorrect because they are the product of the gamete formation organs, and the last option is incorrect because oogonia is a female sex organ for a specific type of algae. </span>
(1) The defective enzyme, which was suppose to break down drugs, is an oxidoreductase. Since, enzymes that break down drugs or metabolic enzymes perform there functions by oxidizing the drugs.
(2) Both codes are triplet codes for the enzyme; however the normal triplet code ought to be ATT, however there was a point mutation causing the "A" to be "C". These letters represent the bases in the DNA, <u>ATT is adenine-thymine-thymine while CTT is cytosine-thymine-thymine.</u>
(3) Further medications Henry is prescribed could include been taken with a drug/enzyme that will breakdown the actual medication.
Inside the chloroplast (a membrane-bound organelle present in plant cells)
In spherocytosis, there is a defect in the membrane proteins of the red blood cells, specifically ankyrin and spectrin. These membrane proteins contribute to the biconcave shape of red blood cells therefore the loss of these proteins will lead the red blood cells to lose its biconcave shape--leading to abnormally shaped red blood cells (spheres) hence the name. This can lead to premature destruction of red blood cells and jaundice due to hyperbilirubinemia. Spherocytes do not hold oxygen and carbon dioxide well as spherocytes have a decreased surface area.