2) Most African American sharecroppers ended each year owing money to the landlord, thus preventing them from leaving the land.
Supreme court justices, The president nominates an individual for a judicial seat. The nominee fills out a questionnaire and is reviewed by the Senate Judiciary Committee.
The Clark's doll test study
Studies by Dr. Kenneth and Mamie Clark in the 1940s which was known as the doll test was cited by the Supreme Court in the decision which overturned separate but equal doctrine which was established in 1954 in the case of Plessy v. Ferguson.
The doll test was aimed at studying the psychological effect of segregation on African American children in which children between the ages of 3 to 7 were asked to identify the dolls they preferred and majority of them picked the white and attributed good qualities to it.
During the case between Brown and the Board of Education of Topeka, this experiment was cited by the Supreme Court in delivering their verdicts in favour of Brown prohibited segregation of black children in the education system.
Barricade on the rue Soufflot, an 1848 painting by Horace Vernet. The Panthéon is shown in the background. The Revolutions of 1848, known in some countries as the Spring of Nations, People's Spring, Springtime of the Peoples, or the Year of Revolution, were a series of political upheavals throughout Europe in 1848
Adolf Hitler lead the Holocaust so the answer would be the same for both questions. The answer to those is between five and six million Jews died during the Holocaust. It is impossible to know how many Jews died exactly though.