Triadic color scheme - the triad color scheme is three colors on the color wheel in a triangle. example orange, purple, green
Complementary color scheme - colors that are opposite of each other on the color wheel. complementary color schemes have a more energetic feel. the high contrast between the colors create vibrant looks. example blue and orange, red and green, purple and yellow.
hope it helps
please mark as brainliest
Different perspectives of pschology
1. Behaviroal: they think human behavior is based on the environment.
2. Biological: Human behavior is based on biological activities.
3. Cognitive: How human brain perceive the world
4. Evolutionary: human behavior is based on the evolutionary history.
5. humanistic: treat human as human, focus on empathy
6. sociocuultural: human behavior is influenced by the society and others
The Question: Which Hollywood superstar did NOT serve in the Marine Corps? The Answer: The correct answer is Morgan Freeman.
The answer is the second one, Balance.