human sacrifice
Tenochtitlan religion
yes he was successful-
He tried in various ways to change their religion. He ordered a few of their most prized idols to be thrown and the temples cleansed. In the beginning they protested but then they slowly gave in.
The reason they agreed in the end was because they were not natives from the land and they might have been mistaken from the long trip that took to arrive at this land. After they agreed Cortes made them get rid of the idols and no more human sacrifices. They followed him happily
Rights and freedoms are best protected under a local government.
Hindus believe in reincarnation and during this life a person should carry out themselves in a proper way- being helpful, kind, caring, honest and most of all uphold their religion and culture (e.g. performing morning sadhana- prayers, keeping clean and worshipping the Lord), in other words- keeping God in the center of their lives. So to reap good karma, one must do all of these things, so in the next life he/she will get a better birth (a poor man in this life will be better off in the next). The first answer is the correct one- reincarnate in a more pure varna- house (life).
Henry VIII started the process of creating the Church of England after his split with the Pope in the 1530's.
well.... taxes * I have to right more then 30 letters