When writing any research paper or essay, you should restate your thesis in your conclusion paragraph. This paragraph has the sole paragraph of giving a quick synopsis of what you just wrote about, and you need to refresh your reader on the point of your essay. For example, my thesis for a recent research paper I completed was, (volunteering benefits both individuals and society and has significant benefits to improve the lives of ourselves and others.) Try to rephrase your thesis a little bit. For example I'd say, (volunteering benefits our world and improves the lives of all it inspires.) Something along those lines. Good luck and I hope this helped.
Valiant means courageous.
"On Being a Cripple" by Nancy Mairs (1986)
The claim in Nancy's article or short story is, "I am a cripple."
Nancy's claim is the assertion about her physical condition. Nancy does not provide any evidence to support her affirmation. Unfortunately, there is no way for the reader to verify Nancy's reason for describing herself as a "cripple." Her claim remains subjective or a matter of the narrator's personal opinion. Nancy can even claim that her physical condition is a divine blessing.
Many imprecise descriptions are coined by society to label some people. Nancy feels that the truth or bluntness about a person's condition cannot lessen the pain nor denigrate the person. There are humorous meanings to be derived when described as a "cripple" without the use of meaningless metaphors.