<span>You should not have to site it formally. If you are quoting something it says directly, just put the quote in quotation marks and state where the quote came from. Examples:
No author marker:
The such and such plaque says, "Something worthy of putting in your paper goes here."
Marker or plaque with an author:
On the historical marker at such and such place, John Doe states, "Something that your reader needs to know goes here."
Marker or plaque that quotes a famous figure:
Thomas Jefferson is quoted as saying, "Something poignant or thought provoking goes here," on the such and such plaque.
If you are paraphrasing the same rule basically applies. For example:
According to the such and such marker, something very interesting and relevant to your paper would go here.
There is no need to do a formal APA or MLA citation with the quote or include it in your reference page.</span>
Answer:Nelson Mandela was successful in his activism in South Africa
Explanation-Nelson Mandela is looked a a godly figure for helping end apartheid in South Africa using nonviolent acts.But many people don’t know that Nelson Mandela has a dark side,same as Martin Luther king and ghandi.Nelson Mandela was for decades a man of violence.he broke with African National Congress colleagues who preached non-violence,creating a enemy wing.he also committed acts of public violence,and behind bars sanctioned more,including the 1983 Church St car bomb that ended 19 people lives.Mandela even suggested cutting off the noses of blacks deemed collaborators.His then wife Winnie advocated "necklacing"(a burning tyre around the neck.)Ghandi was a pedofile and a child hurter,he was seen godlike so he got away with this.he used to lay under his kids NAKED.Martin Luther King,King had copied paragraphs wholesale from other sources without attributing them in his dissertation(plagiarism),on the tapes wasn’t communist plotting,however,but intense, nearly constant activities with countless women he met on his travels.King eventually struck the unnamed woman hard enough to knock her across the bed, and that she left soon after.These “godlike” people aren’t godlike even if they did so much for people.They still got away with so much just because they have power.I’m not saying they are good,but I’m not saying they are bad.In my opinion,power like people like Nelson,always have a dark side,you just have to do your research right because they don’t teach you stuff like this in school.
<span>Both enslavement and indentured servitude were both forms of forced labor. Each is a form of forced labor because those in that condition were obligated to perform work. Indentured servitude was not a form of slavery or imprisonment because indentured servants retained some rights beyond those of slaves or prisoners. Many indentured servants, and even some slaves, received wages for their labor, but neither status could properly be considered a form of wage labor because both slaves and indentured servants could be required to work in the absence wages.</span>
In turn, the Enlightenment ideals of liberty, equality, and justice helped to create the conditions for the American Revolution and the subsequent Constitution. Democracy was not created in a heartbeat. In a world where people were ruled by monarchs from above, the idea of self-government is entirely alien.
A producer can include someone involved in the mining industry. Some of the factors to be considered before production starts are what are the grade and tonnage say of the metals involved? Also, the geometry of the deposit is important to know how to develop it ie open pit or underground or both. Also the economics must be considered ie what is the world market price of the metal in question and the prognosis for its future price?